Winterfest Hospitality Room

cookiesWinterfest 2016 is just around the corner and the need to get out the baking pans and cookbooks.

The Hospitality Committee is seeking assistance in providing in between meal treats and snacks for our honored guests and the youth attending Winterfest 2016. Perhaps your son has a favorite homemade treat or store bought snacks that you could send to Winterfest 2016. The Hospitality Committee is interested in healthy snacks as well as those not so healthy.

For those of you baking treats please send along ten copies of the recipe in case there are inquiries. Several people suggested this as they wanted the recipe for some of tasty treats.

If you are able to assist please send the item or items with your son’s name on any containers you send so they can be easily returned. Also, please indicate if any of your treats or snacks contain peanuts or other know food allergens. Any and all donations to the Hospitality Room are appreciated.



Mom Tammie D’Aguanno, and
The Hospitality Committee