Announcing our 2011 honors recipients

At the DeMolay International session in Grand Rapids this weekend, the International Supreme Council approved several young men and advisors for the various honors our organization has the power to confer. Please join with us in congratulating these gentlemen and lady for their hard work and achievements which make these honors so appropriate.

The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that an active DeMolay can receive. This honor may also be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation for outstanding and marked DeMolay activity and labor. The nominee must be 17 years of age on January 15th of the year they are nominated and have been a member in good standing for at least two years as of that date.

This year, Michigan DeMolay’s recipients are Brothers Robby M. from Clio Chapter, and Danny H. from Phoenix Chapter. Congratulations, guys! We are exceedingly proud of you both!

Cross of Honor
An advisor who wears the Cross of Honor has received a distinctive honor that can only be given by the ISC to a member of an advisory council or a personal representation of an Executive Officer.

The Cross of Honor recipients for 2011 are Mom Mary Bodine from Walt Disney Chapter, Dads Donald Galway and Robert Makins from Livingston County Chapter, and Dad Cris Boyer from Phoenix Chapter. Congratulations and thank you for your continuing service!

Legion of Honor
This is the highest honor conferred by the ISC, to a Senior DeMolay for outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor or for success in fraternal life, including service to DeMolay. Nominees must be over 25 years of age before January 15.

We are honored to induct three men into the Legion of Honor this year: Wes Berry, Bob Cooper, and the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Michigan, Fred Kaiser. Gentlemen, your efforts have made you all an example to strive for. Thank you for your service.

International Supreme Council Appointments
Finally, we are happy to announce that our brother and Past Grand Master F. Ted Praria is being elevated to the status of an honorary member of the International Supreme Council! Congratulations, brother!

Michigan DeMolay Hall of Fame Inductees
Samuel L. Cole, Jr.
Roderick Coy
Scott Greenlee
Harold Koch
J. Andy Jackson
Ronald Jones
Jason Meyer
M. John H. Miller
Tom Moberly
Jack Myers
Edward Taylor, Jr.
John Wallstead
Russell Wells
Dennis R. Williamson


Congratulations to these 2011 honorees! May you continue to live the lives that made you worthy of these honors.

And stay tuned for announcements on conferral events, dates and times!